Who We Are

Our mission is to:
Retell the Gospel.
Reimagine the Church and City.
Repair What Is Broken.


We are people who easily forget. This has been true for God’s people throughout history. In fact, from Genesis to Revelation, a consistent theme emerges: God retelling His people who He is and what He has done for them. The moment we encounter hardship we forget how God has constantly and completely provided for us and turn to the work of our hands for comfort and provision.

“Remember...” God says—over and over and over. We must constantly retell ourselves the truth: God is sovereign and holy and just and merciful... and God loves sinners. Why is this so hard to remember? Because it appears too good to be true! But this is the beauty of the Gospel. We retell ourselves this truth so that it will create deep grooves in our hearts and minds.

When hardship comes, these grooves direct our thoughts and feelings toward to the abundant wells of grace found in Jesus Christ… the news that’s seemingly too good to be true, yet is true. Each Sunday, we rehearse and retell the Gospel to ourselves as we hear the call of God and respond to it through worship, confession, and thanksgiving. At Second, we’re committed to retelling the Gospel to ourselves, each other, our community, and the nations.


There’s a truth which resonates deep in the souls of believers and non-believers alike: this isn’t the way things are supposed to be. As Christians, we not only know the source of the problem, but we know the Solution. Here at Second, we’re committed to reimagining the church and the city as God intended. The good news that God loves sinners is transformational: for us, for our city, and for our world. The Holy Spirit helps us imagine what the grand Architect wants to accomplish, and we have the privilege of joining Him in His transformation and renewal of all things. 

We dream of a church and city that are unified in demonstrating God's kingdom come and God's will being done in Memphis as it is in Heaven. At Second Presbyterian Church, we reimagine a church and a city that are: Beautifully Joyful, Gloriously Diverse, Generously Restored, and Victoriously Empowered. 


We’re unique people with a unique, God-given mission to repair what is broken. Because of sin, everything is broken: our relationship with God, with others, with ourselves, and with creation. But we know the good news that God loves sinners! We know that He calls and enables His people to be repairers of the breach and restorers of the streets. This means we are each equipped to be repairers of what is broken in our own hearts, in our personal relationships and families, and in our community.

Second is planted in the geographical center of this city because God has entrusted to us the mission of repairing Memphis—by His power, in His name, and for His glory. He has placed us here to imitate His grace and advance His gospel, and we give testimony to the good news every time we engage in an act of repair—whether magnificent and mighty or, as is much more common, seemingly miniscule. In the big and the small, we are trusting in the power of the God who sees it all and promises to make all things new. At Second, we seek to repair what is broken as God redeems a people and a city for Himself—one which dwells in righteousness, peace, and the power of the Holy Spirit.