Exodus: The Call

Series: Exodus: Out of My Bondage, Into Thy Freedom
April 7, 2019
Exodus 3:1-9
George Robertson

The Call | Exodus 3:1-9
Sermon Recap & Discussion Questions


Because God is merciful, he redeems weak, sinful people to play a part in his cosmic plan of redemption.


I. Preparation

God prepared Moses his entire life to accomplish his most important task: to die pointing the people forward to the Promised Land (Cf. Deuteronomy 34:1-12).


II. Promise

God calls Moses into his service by reminding him of his promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 


III. People

God is the God of sinners. He uses tragically flawed people – like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses – to accomplish his purposes.


Discussion Questions

  1. When you think about your own legacy, what do you think about? How can you begin now to ask the Lord to prepare you to point to Jesus with your life?
  2. We now see the fulfillment of God’s promise in Jesus Christ. How does that good news encourage you to do what God has called you to do?
  3. What encouragement does it give you that God uses tragically flawed people?


Going Deeper

  1. What will it mean for you to finish your life well?
  2. We said that God uses tragically flawed people, but it might even be more accurate to say that he especially uses tragically flawed people. Why is this the case and what flaws in your own life can/does God use?

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