Guille MacKenzie


Church Planter 

Spouse: Debbie MacKenzie 
Children: Camila, Catalina, Benjamin 

Guillermo (Guille) and Debbie live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where they serve the Lord in a variety of ways. Both native Argentinians, the MacKenzies lived in St. Louis, MO, while Guille completed his seminary training. Today, Guille teaches at Mision Beta, a church planting center that seeks to glorify God and promote the expansion of His kingdom through the multiplication of Christian churches and the transformation of cities. Guille is also a pastor at a multicultural church called Iglesia Presbiteriana Nuevo Avivamiento (New Revival Presbyterian Church) and is involved in various theological education initiatives. In the upcoming year, Guille will begin to transition more to teaching and leading a new seminary in Buenos Aires. He will remain in his role at Nuevo Avivamiento and will be writing his PhD dissertation. 

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray that new leaders will be raised up for Mision Beta to fill the gap that will exist as Guille spends more time and focus on the new seminary. 
  • Guille has cystic fibrosis, so pray that his current treatment will continue to keep him out of any physical concern. Pray that he continues to do very well.  
  • Pray for God to use Nuevo Avivamiento and Mision Beta to make a great kingdom impact in Buenos Aires, a city that influences the rest of Argentina. 


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