Aaliyah Nicholson



Spouse: Surafel 
Children: Samayah 

Since the fall of 2020, Aaliyah has been a teacher at Bingham Academy in Addis Ababa, a school founded to primarily serve missionary families. She has seen students surrender their life to Jesus and desire to learn more about Christ and God's word. Aaliyah has also volunteered at local schools and worked alongside her husband in the church's children's ministry. This year was especially exciting for their family as they welcomed their baby girl, Samayah. As Aaliyah continues Amharic language classes, she is also learning to minister more fully to mothers and children in the local context. Together, we can praise the Lord that Aaliyah and her family have a great bonded relationship with their warm and welcoming community. 

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for direction and wisdom for their family in this new season of life, specifically to be humble and attentive parents. 
  • Pray for them to prioritize time with God and prayer, individually and as a family. 
  • Pray for them to keep healthy rhythms and prioritize their marriage. 

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