Rob and Tunde Futo


Church Planters 

Rob and Tunde have been in Hungary for nearly 25 years! Rob serves as the head pastor of Cornerstone Church, (which he planted in 2015) and they are in the middle of two more church plants, one just launched this past fall, and another will launch in May. Amid much preaching and leading of the church, Rob is also teaching apologetics in Germany and Hungary every year and has written a book on Biblical theology, which he will be studying with all three churches. A big focus for Rob this spring is the writing of the by-laws, with his elders, for their church and the training of new elders, small group leaders, and children's teachers for the new churches. 

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for Rob as he trains his elders and for both church plants. Pray that there will be unity and diversity reached among the churches.  
  • Rob and Tunde's daughter, Csenge, will be getting married this spring. Please pray for the Lord's blessing on this new family! 
  • Pray for Rob and Tunde to have quality time together as empty nesters despite the busyness of their ministry. 

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