David and Aliece

East Asia

Theological Education & Christian Counseling 

Children: Zebadiah, Zemirah, Ziera, Zetabel 

David serves as Academic Dean of an unregistered, in-country seminary, helping train 60 missionaries who have been sent to unreached peoples. He works with a church network, with over a million members, to help them develop over thirty seminaries to train “family church” leaders. With persecution, they can only meet in groups of fewer than fifty people. There is a great need for these small church leaders and for Sunday school material for adults and children. Last year, five hundred people attended the Reformed Theology and China Conference. David works with two larger churches and some urban churches to promote unity and form a Reformed Presbyterian system. Aliece’s Tree of Life Counseling Center had graduates in the Biblical Counseling Master’s program, and she teaches over 200 church leaders on counseling in the time of suffering.  

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for David as he travels frequently, teaching and providing discipleship training to local churches. Please pray for his health, ability to manage a heavy workload, and resolution of his medical issues. 
  • Pray for Aliece’s stamina as she expands her teaching and supervising while also doing counseling and offering counseling classes to leaders within local churches. 
  • Pray that the Lord would continue to bless their family in times of persecution and that they would be a counter-cultural witness for Jesus in the brokenness of their culture. 

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