Starting Over

Series: Exodus: Out of My Bondage, Into Thy Freedom
November 24, 2019
Exodus 12:1-14
George Robertson

Exodus 12:1-14 | Starting Over
Sermon Recap & Discussion Questions

In discussing how we properly take the Lord’s Supper, the Westminster Shorter Catechism says we must examine ourselves for “repentance, love and new obedience” (Q.97). Those three themes are anticipated in God’s institution of the Passover, one of his ways of convincing us over and over again that we are his beloved children.

I. Repentance

The Passover reminded the Israelites to repent of living as slaves, because it was the beginning of their calendar year and the first observance of Passover was the first time in over 400 years they would be living free from slavery. The Passover also reminded them to offer holy lives to the Lord (cf. Lv. 22:20-22). Each household large enough to consume a whole lamb was to select the best one-year old male specimen from its flock of sheep or goats. Later in the chapter, God tells the Israelites to light a candle and remove every bit of leaven from their homes (15), a symbol of searching for and removing sin from every dark corner of their lives. The Passover also reminded them to repent of selfishness, as they were to entrust their best lamb to God as a sacrifice.

II. Love

Love was demonstrated in the Passover by the Israelites by eating the whole lamb. By doing so, the worshiper was ingesting God’s provision of a substitute. By uniting himself or herself with the prescribed meal, the worshiper was uniting himself or herself with the Lord. The Israelites who ate the Passover declared their love for the one true God who had defeated all the false gods on their behalf and was freeing them from their bondage. The Passover also demonstrated God’s love to the Israelites, as the lamb pointed them to the atoning sacrifice God was making and would make through Jesus for their sins.

III. New Obedience

As God had provided materially for the Israelites through their neighbors’ silver and gold jewelry, now he is providing spiritually and emotionally for their journey toward the Promised Land. By obediently keeping the Passover, they will be equipped to obey the Lord in their long journey. So what does the Lord give his people in the Passover to equip them for that long journey of obedience? The same he gives to us. . .himself. As the Lord supplies all we need for salvation from shame, fear, and guilt, he supplies all we need for living in new obedience.

Discussion Questions

  1. How do you generally think about the Lord’s Supper? (Does it become rote? Do you feel unsure about its purpose? Do you look forward to it?)

  2. Read Genesis 4:4; Genesis 22:1-19; John 1:29; 1 Corinthians 5:7. How does scripture connect the Passover to Jesus? How is the Passover connected to the Lord’s Supper?

  3. How is the Lord’s Supper a reminder and demonstration of your union with Christ? What implications does your union with Christ have for you? (your past, your success, your future, how God feels about you)

  4. Why could the Israelites entrust their best lamb to God? What implications does this have for us? 


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