The Ordinary People of Christmas: Mary

Series: The Ordinary People of Christmas
December 8, 2019
Luke 1:46-55
George Robertson

Luke 1:46-55 | The Ordinary People of Christmas: Mary
Sermon Recap & Discussion Questions

Mary magnified God, because she saw her and her people’s needs so clearly and thus recognized how God’s attributes of mercy and might would meet them all.    


1. God is Merciful (Luke 1:46-48, 50, 53-55)

Before any of the disciples wrote their Gospels, Mary announced to her world the kind of Savior her son would be. This poor woman who lived under the oppression and tyranny of evil Herod, proclaimed to her fellow prisoners that a Messiah was coming who would mercifully release them. Specifically, this passage shows us that God shows mercy to the undeserving; the searcher (vv. 46-48); those who fear him (v. 50); the helpless (v. 53); and wanderers (vv. 54-55).


2. God is Mighty (Luke 1:49-53)

God’s might makes God’s mercy the more appreciable, because we realize that with it God could have annihilated us in our sin.  But because God is merciful, his might only reinforces our redemption because it assures us of the power that not only has secured and maintains our salvation but promises complete redemption of our whole world. Specifically, this passage shows us that God Exalts the humble (vv. 49, 52, 53); Humbles the proud (vv. 51, 52); and Wins the battle (vv. 51-54). 


Discussion Questions


  1. What part of the sermon and/or passage resonated with you the most?

  2. Was there a category of those to whom God shows mercy that resonated with you the most? Why so?

  3. How is God’s might and the way he uses it different from the way we typically think about might/strength in our world? How is this good news for you?

  4. What realization gave Mary courage? How does this apply to you as well?

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