Supporting Women & Families in Our City

Join our mission partners in aiding the most vulnerable in memphis

In light of the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade, Pastor George has charged us as a congregation to continue standing for life by supporting vulnerable women and families in our city, particularly those facing unplanned pregnancies.

As Pastor George preached from the pulpit in June, "Justice means that God is on the side of the most vulnerable, and His people are to be on the side of the most vulnerable, too. When we see that unborn children are put at risk, we stand up for them, even if it gets us maligned. And when we see that women are being mistreated or neglected because they’re single mothers, or even if they’ve had an abortion, we show compassion to them—because that’s what Christians do."

Justice means that God is on the side of the most vulnerable, and his people are to be on the side of the most vulnerable, too.  

Several of our local ministry partners have made it their primary mission to come alongside women facing crisis pregnancies. Other of our Memphis ministry partners, listed below as secondary partners, exist to fight poverty, unemployment, abuse, exploitation, addiction, and other related factors that contribute to women finding themselves in desperate circumstances.

Below is a list of ministries that stand for life by supporting vulnerable women and families in Memphis. Whether by prayer, financial giving, or volunteering, consider how you might get involved with one or more of these ministries, and be sure to utilize them as a resource whenever you encounter a woman or a family in need:

Primary Family Ministries

Secondary Family Ministries